Tuesday, 19.30

Haydn - Symphony No. 6 in D major
Lehar - Mein lippen sie kussen so heiss from Giuditta
Lehar - Vilja from The Merry Widow
Heuberger - Im Chambre Separee
Zeller - Im Chambre Separee
Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique Op. 14

Conductor - Douglas Boyd
Soprano - Barbara Bonney

Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, United Kingdom
Thursday, 19.00

Elgar - Introduction and Allegro Op.47
Vaughan Williams - Lark Ascending (The)
Beethoven - Symphony No.5 in C minor Op.67

Conductor - Douglas Boyd
Violin - Marieke Blankestijn

Cadogan Hall, London, United Kingdom
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