Thursday, 19.30

Haydn - Symphony No.68 in Bb major
Bach - Concerto for Oboe and Violin in C minor
Handel - Concerto Grosso No.11 in A major
Mozart - Divertimento in D, K131

Conductor - Alexander Schneider
Violin - Marieke Blankestijn
Oboe - Douglas Boyd

City of London Festival, Baltic Exchange, London, United Kingdom
Friday, 19.00

Haydn - Symphony No.68 in Bb major
Bach - Concerto for Oboe and Violin in C minor
Handel - Concerto Grosso No.11 in A major
Mozart - Divertimento in D, K131

Conductor - Alexander Schneider
Violin - Marieke Blankestijn
Oboe - Douglas Boyd

City of London Festval, Baltic Exchange, London, United Kingdom
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