Frühlingstournee mit Robin Ticciati und Lisa Batiashvili
14.-25. April 2023

Das COE und Robin Ticciati
Hierunter erfahren Sie mehr über der Tournee auf Englisch:
The Chamber Orchestra of Europe is thrilled to embark on an extensive European tour with artistic partners and friends conductor Robin Ticciati and violinist Lisa Batiashvili. It is always an absolute privilege to work with these artists with whom we have built special relationships over the years.
Our first project with Robin dates back to 2015 and the Orchestra’s special rapport with him is captured in the interview below (audio only) with the COE’s podcast presenter Simon Mundy. Robin says that working with the COE for the first time was for him a ‘seminal’ moment because of the whole ‘mystique’ surrounding the Orchestra. However, during our first project, performing at the Cologne Philharmonie with Alina Ibragimova a programme by Bruch, Bach, Widmann and Haydn, Robin felt that the COE had more to give. It was only when “they got dirty with Beethoven” (in his own words!) in Dubai in 2017 that he felt he really unleashed the COE’s potential. Listen to the whole interview below:
Das COE und Lisa Batiashvili
We have performed with violin soloist Lisa Batiashvili almost every year since our first project at the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon back in 2008 and have formed a very close association and friendship.
She said of us: “This is the orchestra I have the biggest admiration for. Each member is a unique musician and it feels like they all share wisdom, knowledge, good taste and a great instinct for music. I find it remarkable that in certain symphonies, which can often sound very heavy and grounded, COE, with its round and warm tone, brings its special, natural genius for music making to every work – this is so rare to find.”
During the 2016/17 season the Orchestra worked closely with Lisa in order to produce and record both of Prokofiev’s violin concertos, released by Deutsche Grammophon in 2018. We are very much looking forward to performing the Beethoven Violin Concerto with Lisa again, which is the first concerto that she ever performed with the COE back in 2008, conducted by the COE’s former principal oboe Douglas Boyd at the Gulbenkian Foundation.